WWII US ARMY 1937 Denim pants

WWII US ARMY 1937 Denim pants
Originally made during WWI these uniform pants along with their matching shirts were used for just about everything dirty or dangerous. From Garrison duties to digging ditches and in combat. Like most dungarees, they are made of hardwearing cotton Denim and will hold up to just about everything. This is probably the reason they stayed in the inventory for so many years up to WWII when they became iconic during the attack on Pearl Harbor before they were replaced by OD HBT utility uniforms of a similar design.
After their removal from the Army inventory, these workhorse pants made their way through a myriad of surplus channels and ended up being worn by all manner of adventurous types, for the very same reason that they were coveted by the Army. Everything from engineers, bikers, truckers, merchant sailors, and even the drug store cowboys in the 50s and beyond. They will surely be a hit with Ventage and Retro enthusiasts.