John Wayne Viet Nam Silver Tiger Boonie Cap

John Wayne Viet Nam Silver Tiger Boonie Cap
AKA the "John Wayne" Viet Nam Camouflage Boonie Cap from the movie “The green berets” is an exact reproduction of the green tigerstripe uniforms acquired “in-country” during the Viet Nam war. Unlike the many copies on the market, the real ones, and ours were made from a Lightweight tight weave 100% cotton twill material and vat dyed, so that’s the way we made ours. Copied from a mint original. This is our newest printing of the pattern. We mix them up from time to time to keep it real, because there were several versions of this camo.
This Silver Tiger camo along with our Golden Tiger camouflage are the most sought-after uniforms by hardcore collectors and reenactors. We only print and manufacture limited quantities at the highest standards. Made exclusively by SMW in the USA.
SIZES AVAILABLE: (7.1/8) (7.1/4) (7.3/8) (7.1/2) (7.3/4)