1943 TWO-BUCKLE COMBAT BOOTS Our finest production to date. If you want a pair of boots that were made exactly as they were over 65 years ago, these are the pair to own. They are constructed with genuine Goodyear welts. Don't be fooled by the fake welts with glued soles used so often on Chinese imports. Our sole nails are the best made in the USA. Our thread is not cheap nylon that unravels within weeks of use, but rather made in USA Dual duty cotton wrapped polycore for super strength. It's the best on the market today (ten times the price of Asian thread). Our buckles will resist a hammer blow and will not break. They are lined with made in USA 100% cotton No. 10 canvas as per the originals. Our eyelets are brass and steel split eyelets that grab the leather and won't rip out. The inner plants of the boot (the leather bottom that the soles are sewed to) are made from heavy roller pressed ‘Vaqueta’ leather, not cardboard or glue bonded press leather typically used in cheap imports. There are no shortcuts. You only have to weigh them in your hands. You will see that ours are almost twice as heavy as the imports. These shoes will survive use in mud, snow & water. You've all heard the complaints about the cheap Asian copies breaking , splitting apart, etc. These boots will not let you down. You can count on that!
Our boots are made by skilled craftsmen the same way they were made back then, by the same company who made them under contract for the US Govt. during the war. The Govt contracted many companies and one of them is, and has been making the boots for us. Our footwear is used in film after film....’Saving Pvt. Ryan’, ‘Band of Brothers’, and the upcoming HBO mini-series ‘The Pacific’ to name a few. Why does the film Industry use goods made by SMWHOLESALE? They last! Because they must survive months of daily washing, aging and often thrown in heavy dryers daily for use the next day! Do you think the cheap copies would last? I think you know the answer. If you demand the finest, most comfortable footwear, then the choice is simple…SMWHOLESALE quality. There is no other.
Now in SIZES: 7, 8, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13
All our combat boots are EEs which are 1/8" wider than Ds for added comfort and to resist pressure or even injury under combat conditions. If you are a D consider thicker socks or even an insert cushion.